So ~ I've been told that it's been way too long since I've posted anything. This summer has been crazy busy and I just haven't had the time or inspiration to post. However, due to some prodding (thanks Hayley), I will share my Scentsy warmer make-over.
This was the first warmer I purchased back when we were living on our acreage. The color of the star matched perfectly with our master bath.
Not so much with the color in our new home. I thought it was destined to a tote in the basement or to be sold. Then I remembered a blog post that I read last year about spray painting a warmer. I decided to give it a try ~ what was the worst that could happen, right? Ruin a $35.00 warmer, that's what! But, I didn't want it to sit unused.
So I went in search of some high temp spray paint ~ which I found at Menards.
Took it outside and ended up giving it 3 coats. I was worried that it wouldn't stick because the warmer is smooth and shiny, but it didn't have a problem.
After it completely cooled, I plugged it in and let it warm. Couldn't believe it ~ no bubbling, cracking, flaking ~ nothing!
So, now I have an all new, one-of-a-kind, Scentsy warmer! I'm sure that painting it voids the warranty, but I could care less about that. It fits in anywhere in the house now!
I'm really loving the black. It turned out so well that I tried painting a wall plug-in Scensty warmer that I will post about later.
Update ~ the basement has sat untouched since my post about it. The kids started summer vacation and my free time went out the window. I'm planning on tearing into as soon as school starts with the goal of having it completely de-cluttered by Halloween :)