Thursday, September 9, 2010

Goodwill Goodie Makeover ~ Before

In between cleaning the entire house and loads of laundry today, I'm trying my hand at another Goodwill Goodie Makeover.  Once again it's a bit windy outside, but the painting went well and I even attempted 2 colors of paint.  I'm letting the cutting board dry and then will move onto distressing it.  Here's the before photo ~

By tomorrow it should be finished!

1 comment:

  1. I looked for some stuff for ya at goodwill today...didn't find much. DID find me a pair of rather stylish (if I do say so myself) brown dress boots for $4. That's all I found though.....didn't get my slice either. I figured I better actually START scrapping before I reward myself with something like that! lol.
